Shakespeare Suppressed, 2nd edition (2016)

The second printed edition of Shakespeare Suppressed is now available. The list price for the new 2016 edition is $29.50. Order through Amazon (starting 11-21-16) or Faire Editions (see contact page). If you’d like to request Shakespeare Suppressed for your local library, just give the librarian the ISBN number, 9780982940556. Thank you for your support!

Thumbs up, The Midwest Book Review

Reviewer Susan Bethany of The Midwest Book Review (Feb. 2013) recommends Shakespeare Suppressed, “a must for history and literary studies collections … “

SS Review, The Brooklyn Rail

William S. Niederkorn of The Brooklyn Rail (Critical Perspectives on Arts, Politics, And Culture) includes Shakespeare Suppressed in his review of recent Anti-Stratfordian books. Regarding the Stratford Man’s tomb and the First Folio, Niederkorn notes that Chiljan’s book “provides detailed reinterpretations of the data and projects scenarios that portray fraud at work in both instances.” … [Read more…]

Distinguished Scholarship Award for Chiljan, April 2012

Prof. Daniel Wright of Concordia University has recently announced that Chiljan will receive the Vero Nihil Verius Award for Distinguished Scholarship in 2012. She will receive the award, along with Prof. Roger Stritmatter and Lynne Kositsky, during the Shakespeare Authorship Studies Conference at the university’s Portland, Oregon campus (April 12-14).